This was our first visit to this spring show - with challenges caused by having summer weather throughout March, cold throughout April, so nothing grew, and then a -5 degree frost in May, which damaged a high proportion of the show plants. We just managed to fill the space, and a silver gilt medal was awarded.
The arrangement had five sides, and was designed to be viewed from almost all the way round. The exception was where the plant sales tables were to be. In the event the layout in the marquee was not what we expected, so there was a relatively bare cliff face. In this view the cliff is on the left of the alpine area, and across a mossy valley there is a mound of Meconopsis, primulas and other damp-loving plants.
In the mossy valley were masses of unusual small primulas.
Prominent in the alpine area was Zaluzianskya ovata, both the usual form and one with an orange centre to the flower. This was featured in Gardeners' World on television by Carole Klein, along with our primulas and Meconopsis.
At the opposite side there were lots of Trillium, including both white and pink forms of Trillium grandiflorum, and unusual Meconopsis, yellow pseudointegrifolia, red punicea, and pinky-purple x cookei.
These were separated from the mound of primulas and blue Meconopsis by a second valley, with Trollius, Ranunculus and Primula chungensis, predominantly yellow and orange.
Our display at Gardening Scotland in 2011.
Our display at Chelsea in 2011.
Our display at Gardening Scotland in 2010.
Our display at Gardening Scotland in 2009.
Our display at Harrogate in 2009.
Our display at Gardening Scotland in 2007.
Our display at Gardening Scotland in 2006.
Our display at Gardening Scotland in 2005.
Our display at Gardening Scotland in 2004.