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  • Currently shopping by:
  • Plant category: alpine plant
  • Garden habitat: Alpine winter / sunny summer
  • Height range: 6 - 20 cm

Scabiosa japonica var. alpina

Deeply toothed pinnate leaves with blue flowerheads with ray-like outer florets.

Sedum (Phedimus) spurius 'Tricolor'

Mat forming ground cover with green, white and red leaves; pink flowers.

Sedum divergens

Starry yellow flowers above a carpet of succulent leaves.

Sibbaldia procumbens

Tufted alpine with blue-green leaves and saucer-shaped yellow flowers.

Thymus citriodorus 'Silver Queen'

Lemon-scented, silver and cream variegated foliage.

Viola 'Avril Lawson'

Vigorous violet with lots of deep blue-purple flowers with yellow markings.

Wulfenia carinthiaca

Dense clusters of deep blue flowers on short stems.