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Primula 'Wanda'

Bright purply pink flowers over mats of bright green leaves.

Primula x pubescens 'Lilac Fairy'

Dome of neat foliage covered with a mass of pink-purple flowers.

Primula zambalensis

Mat of small leaves with relatively tall stem and large pink flowers.

Pulsatilla campanella

Finely cut leaves with silvery hairs and deep purple bell-shaped flowers.

Pulsatilla vulgaris

Pasque flower; pale purple flowers, yellow stamens and pale purple stigma.

Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Alba'

White flowered form of the Pasque flower; soft foliage and large flowers.

Saxifraga aizoides

Abundant, starry orange-yellow flowers dotted red at the base.

Saxifraga cochlearis 'Major'

Compact silvery cushion and sprays of white flowers on reddish brown stems.