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  • Currently shopping by:
  • Plant category: alpine plant
  • Garden habitat: Alpine winter / sunny summer
  • Soil: Grit

Veronica wormskjoldii

Stems of opposite pairs of leaves, topped with blue flowers.

Lewisia pygmaea

Tuft of fleshy leaves and delicate cluster of pink flowers.

Erysimum pulchellum

Perennial 'Wallflower' with light lemon yellow flowers and a prostrate habit.

Sedum divergens

Starry yellow flowers above a carpet of succulent leaves.

Delosperma congestum

Mats of fleshy rosettes with bright yellow 'Mesembryanthemum' flowers.

Arenaria festucoides

Pretty white flowers over dense hummocks of narrow foliage.

Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus

Mat of highly dissected leaves, large daisies with red buds.

Lewisia 'Brynhyfryd Hybrids'

A lovely mix of hybrids, from a selected group of good parents.