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Jovibarba sobolifera

Tight rosettes of pink blushed foliage, and spikes of yellow-green flowers.

Incarvillea mairei var. grandiflora

Deep crimson pink, large trumpet-shaped flowers.

Gentiana sino-ornata 'Downfield'

A reliable and vigorous autumn gentian with light blue trumpet flowers.

Geranium magniflorum

Beautiful finely divided foliage and large purple/blue flowers.

Geranium orientalitibeticum

Low growing with creamy-spotted leaves and pinkish-purple flowers.

Erigeron 'Four Winds'

Mat with lots of pale mauve daisies.

Erigeron chrysopsidis

Yellow-rayed daisy flowers over hairy, linear leaves.

Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins'

Fragrant ragged white flowers above silver grey foliage.