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Primula halleri

Bright lilac-pink long-tubed flowers.

Pulsatilla vulgaris

Pasque flower; pale purple flowers, yellow stamens and pale purple stigma.

Lychnis alpina 'Snow Flurry'

Heads of many small white flowers, like a snowball.

Antirrhinum molle

Soft grey leaves and pink or white snapdragon flowers.

Aquilegia rockii

Elegant, dusky purple flowers on slender branched stems.

Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila

Sky-blue flowers with white centres on this dwarf Aquilegia

Primula spectabilis

Large, rose-pink flowers with white eyes over leathery, glossy leaves.

Arabis procurrens 'Variegata'

Mat of variegated leaves and short stems with heads of small white flowers.