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Primula concholoba

Muscarioides section. Almost globular head of pale blue/purple flowers.

Leontopodium nivale subsp. alpinum

The edelweiss; low mats of grey-green leaves and heads of soft, felty bracts.

Campanula betulifolia

Dark green leaves and large white or pale pink flowers.

Campanula poscharskyana 'E. H. Frost'

A mound of trailing stems with white bell flowers.

Campanula portenschlagiana Resholt's variety

Vigorous dwarf species with masses of lavender blue bell-flowers.

Campanula poscharskyana

Mound of foliage with masses of pale violet starry flowers.

Arabis procurrens 'Variegata'

Mat of variegated leaves and short stems with heads of small white flowers.

Arabis androsacea

Low mat of hairy rosettes with short-stemmed clusters of white flowers.