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  • Plant category: herbaceous perennial
  • Garden habitat: Part shade
  • Soil: Standard

Hosta 'Twist of Lime'

Lime green leaves edged with darker green; dwarf.

Polygonatum orientale (polyanthemum)

White flowers tipped green in pairs hang below opposite leaves.

Primula wilsonii

Large-flowered form; whorls of bright, deep pink, yellow-eyed flowers.

Primula poissonii

Candelabra type, with whorls of bright, deep pink flowers.

Primula stenodonta

Like poissonii; whorls of larger, bright deep pink flowers on arching pedicels.

Anemone caroliniana

Glossy, deeply divided leaves and creamy white cupped flowers.

Primula florindae

One or two large umbels of scented, pale yellow or orange flowers.

Primula sikkimensis var. pudibunda

Umbels of hanging, pale yellow flowers.