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Saxifraga 'Vreny'

Tight cushions of grey-green rosettes with tall heads of white flowers.

Campanula poscharskyana 'E. H. Frost'

A mound of trailing stems with white bell flowers.

Campanula portenschlagiana Resholt's variety

Vigorous dwarf species with masses of lavender blue bell-flowers.

Campanula poscharskyana

Mound of foliage with masses of pale violet starry flowers.

Jovibarba sobolifera

Tight rosettes of pink blushed foliage, and spikes of yellow-green flowers.

Jovibarba hirta

Rosettes of green leaves, streaked red-brown, and pale yellow, starry flowers.

Arabis procurrens 'Variegata'

Mat of variegated leaves and short stems with heads of small white flowers.

Arabis androsacea

Low mat of hairy rosettes with short-stemmed clusters of white flowers.