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Lewisia 'Brynhyfryd Hybrids'

A lovely mix of hybrids, from a selected group of good parents.

Anemone (Anemonoides) nemorosa 'Gerry'

Wood anemone with violet-blue flowers.

Anemone (Anemonoides) x lipsiensis 'Pallida'

Pale yellow hybrid between white A. nemorosa and yellow A. ranunculoides.

Arabis flaviflora

A low-growing mat with little white flowers with yellow centres.

Chiastophyllum (Umbilicus) oppositifolium 'Jim's Pride'

Superb foliage plant with beautifully marked cream and green leaves.

Erigeron chrysopsidis

Yellow-rayed daisy flowers over hairy, linear leaves.

Delosperma 'John Proffitt'

Quick-spreading ice plant with brilliant fuchsia flowers.

Delosperma nubigenum

Succulent mat-former with bright yellow daisy flowers.