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Bulbinella hookeri

Dense racemes of starry, bright yellow flowers.

Bulbinella angustifolia

Narrow leaves and dense spikes of starry, bright yellow flowers.

Antirrhinum molle

Soft grey leaves and pink or white snapdragon flowers.

Anthericum ramosum

White, starry flowers; petals curve back when fully open.

Polygonatum orientale (polyanthemum)

White flowers tipped green in pairs hang below opposite leaves.

Symphytum ibericum

Ground-cover plant with tubular pale pink, almost white flowers.

Aruncus aethusifolius

Feathery panicles of creamy white flowers; yellow autumn foliage.

Anemone (Anemonastrum) narcissiflorum

Showy white flowers, yellow in the centre and pink-tinged on the reverse.