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  • Currently shopping by:
  • Plant category: herbaceous perennial
  • Soil: Standard
  • Height range: 20 - 60 cm

Maianthemum canadense

Woodlander with clusters of white, starry flowers; useful ground cover.

Anthericum ramosum

White, starry flowers; petals curve back when fully open.

Polygonatum orientale (polyanthemum)

White flowers tipped green in pairs hang below opposite leaves.

Maianthemum (Smilacina) racemosum

Clump-forming perennial bearing feathery spikes of fragrant white flowers.

Symphytum ibericum

Ground-cover plant with tubular pale pink, almost white flowers.

Aruncus aethusifolius

Feathery panicles of creamy white flowers; yellow autumn foliage.

Francoa sonchifolia

Stems of light pink flowers, with deeper pink markings.

Astilbe chinensis var. pumila

Dwarf form with pink flowers tightly packed along stem and short side branches.