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Geranium 'Dusky Rose'

Dark reddish green mat of foliage with sweet pink flowers.

Geranium magniflorum

Beautiful finely divided foliage and large purple/blue flowers.

Geranium 'Rozanne'

Large lavender blue flowers, purple veined, with a white eye,

Geranium sanguineum

Dome of deep green leaves and many magenta flowers over a long period.

Geum triflorum

Pink buds, pink flowers, and dusky pink feathery seeds.

Geum triflorum

Pink buds, pink flowers, and dusky pink feathery seeds.

Globularia nudicaulis

Low rosettes with green leaves and little balls of shaggy blue flowers.

Globularia valentina

Dense round heads of lavender-blue flowers on leafy stems.