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Polygaloides chamaebuxus var. grandiflora

Suckering shrublet with yellow flowers with very deep red-purple wings.

Potentilla atrosanguinea

Domes of strawberry-like leaves and brilliant red flowers.

Pulsatilla campanella

Finely cut leaves with silvery hairs and deep purple bell-shaped flowers.

Saxifraga cochlearis 'Major'

Compact silvery cushion and sprays of white flowers on reddish brown stems.

Saxifraga paniculata 'Doctor Clay'

Intensely silver-grey rosettes with white starry flowers.

Saxifraga 'Vreny'

Tight cushions of grey-green rosettes with tall heads of white flowers.

Scabiosa japonica var. alpina

Deeply toothed pinnate leaves with blue flowerheads with ray-like outer florets.

Sedum (Phedimus) spurius 'Tricolor'

Mat forming ground cover with green, white and red leaves; pink flowers.