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Sibbaldia procumbens

Tufted alpine with blue-green leaves and saucer-shaped yellow flowers.

Silene davidii

Compact cushions with large, rose-pink flowers.

Silene zawadskii

Tufts of glossy leaves and heads of white flowers.

Soldanella villosa

Purple, fringed bells open over mat of round, shiny leaves.

Sorbus muliensis

Vigorous rowan with deep pink-red fruit, collected by George Forrest.

Sorbus tenuis

Compact rowan with neat, small, pinnate foliage, going bright red in autumn.

Stachys (Betonica) officinalis subsp. officinalis

Alpine betony; hairy leaf rosettes and heads of pink flowers.

Symphytum grandiflorum

Useful ground cover with white flowers opening from pale orange buds.