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Asarum europaeum

An evergreen, creeping plant that has exotic hooded purple-red flowers.

Azorella trifurcata

A low, evergreen perennial, with lime-yellow flowers.

Campanula betulifolia

Dark green leaves and large white or pale pink flowers.

Campanula portenschlagiana Resholt's variety

Vigorous dwarf species with masses of lavender blue bell-flowers.

Campanula poscharskyana

Mound of foliage with masses of pale violet starry flowers.

Campanula poscharskyana 'E. H. Frost'

A mound of trailing stems with white bell flowers.

Chiastophyllum (Umbilicus) oppositifolium

Fleshy leaves and arching stems of yellow flowers, for a wet crevice.

Chiastophyllum (Umbilicus) oppositifolium 'Jim's Pride'

Superb foliage plant with beautifully marked cream and green leaves.