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Meconopsis 'Barney's Blue'

Excellent perennial blue poppy, opening from purple buds.

Meconopsis 'Huntfield'

A superb form with deep blue flowers shaded purple.

Meconopsis 'Lingholm'

Excellent blue Himalayan poppy, long-lived and fertile.

Meconopsis 'P. C. Abildgaard'

Excellent blue poppy with lovely pure sky-blue flowers.

Mitraria coccinea

Evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and vivid scarlet flowers; can climb.

Podophyllum hexandrum

Delicate white flowers hang under dramatic, marked green leaves; red fruit.

Podophyllum peltatum

White saucer-shaped flowers with yellow stamens. Lime-like fruit.

Polygonatum orientale (polyanthemum)

White flowers tipped green in pairs hang below opposite leaves.