Large flat heads of sulphur-yellow flowers over feathery leaves.
Himalayan maidenhair fern with black stalks and short semi-evergreen fronds.
Woody sub-shrub with racemes of pink flowers.
Pure white flower above deeply cut leaves.
Herbaceous perennial with many large, semi-double pink flowers.
Many heads of pink cup shaped flowers.
Mat of fine grey leaves with spikes of pink flowers.
Mat of variegated leaves and short stems with heads of small white flowers.
Aromatic, feathery, grey foliage plant.
Sprays of lavender-blue daisy flowers in late summer; attractive foliage.
Dwarf form with pink flowers tightly packed along stem and short side branches.
Clump-forming perennial with elegant sprays of nodding white flowers.
Tall hybrid with spreading bronze flushed leaves and bright pink flowers.
Dense plumes of deep red flowers.
Small pale pink flowers in feathery spikes.
Showy indigo blue pea flowers on upright stems.
White flowers gradually flushing pink, with a deep pink eye.
Hardy orchid with spikes of lilac or rose flowers before the leaves emerge.
Attractive silver leaves with green veins; blue forget-me-not flowers.
Compact form of the butterfly bush, with arching stems of white flowers.
Fleshy leaves and arching stems of yellow flowers, for a wet crevice.
Deep crimson purple flowerheads on tall stems
Lily-of-the-valley; small, highly scented bell flowers.
Large, round, plate-sized leaves on a long stem with heads of pink flowers.
Glowing deep pink flowers sitting just above grey foliage.
Dense spikes of deep orange-brown flowers.
Dense spikes of dusky pink flowers.
Eight-petalled white flowers, and feathery seed heads.
Handsome golden male fern with shuttlecock fronds.
Japanese shield fern; striking deciduous fern with reddish fronds when young.
Low mats with lots of multi-flowered stems, pink or white; a great wall plant.
Fantastic columnar, evergreen shrub/tree with scented white open-cup flowers.
Dramatic purple stems and reddish-purple flowerheads in summer.
Yellow-green, long-lasting 'flowers' and red foliage in autumn.
Large, brilliant blue flowers with green spots inside.
The willow gentian, with many tubular, gentian-blue flowers.
Brilliant pink flowers above deeply dissected foliage.
Large lavender blue flowers, purple veined, with a white eye,
Large rosy-lilac open flowers on this semi-evergreen Geranium.
Impressive flowerer with very pretty white, star-shaped flowers on red stems.
Delightful miniature with spherical heads of blue-grey flowers.
Mound of lime green leaves, clusters of tiny yellow flowers in early spring.
One of the tiniest of ivies, with leathery dark leaves and maroon new stems.
Pale, greenish yellow flowers from Christmas onwards.
Small woodland perennial with lovely blue flowers.
Very large blue-grey, ribbed leaves, spikes of white flowers.
Luminous lilac flowers set low among pointed green leaves.
Pale purple flowers with dark veins.
Japanese herbaceous perennial, with pale yellow flowers.
A 'red-hot poker' with large cream to ivory-yellow flowers and bronzed stems.
Red-hot poker with spikes of salmon coloured tubular flowers.
Long, arching sprays of white 'bleeding heart' flowers.
Several clusters of white flowers on each stem, with stiff, grassy leaves.
Large, deep green leaves and spires of yellow flowers on black stems.
Clump-forming perennial bearing feathery spikes of fragrant white flowers.
Deciduous fern which produces lance-shaped 'shuttlecocks' in Spring.
Excellent blue poppy with lovely pure sky-blue flowers.
Lovely grass with narrow silver-grey foliage and pink flowers
Jonquil Narcissus with flowers that are white with a creamy cup; fragrant.
Aromatic plant with mauve- blue flowers over a long period.
Architectural plant with tufts of shiny, jet black leaves.
Glorious, large flowers. Seed raised so can vary from pink through to yellow.
St. Bruno's lily. Stems of substantial, pure white flowers.
Low shrublet with scarlet tubular flowers.
Tight groups of white to dark red flowers through summer and autumn.
Many narrow spikes of pink flowers above a spreading mat of green leaves.
Cascading low foliage with very bright pink flowers.
Compact form with very bright pink flowers.
Pink petals with a paler pink 'trumpet'.
Suckering shrublet with yellow flowers with very deep red-purple wings.
Solomon's seal, with tubular green-tipped, creamy white flowers.
Low plant with very bright cerise pink flowers.
Apricot flowers with a bright red centre
White flowers with yellow centres.
Pink flowers with white and yellow centres.
Heads of hanging flowers in mixed colours. In Sikkimensis section.
Yellow flowers with a white or yellow eye, over mealy foliage.
Candelabra primula with light reddish purple flowers with a yellow eye.
The oxlip; upright stems with clusters of pale yellow flowers.
Small clusters of fringed, pale yellow flowers in a hanging head.
Small spoon-shaped leaves; umbel of pink flowers on tall stem.
Bright pink flowers in early spring, when the emerging leaves are bronze.
Red-hot poker flowers, with many bright red buds opening to pale violet.
Fluffy panicles of masses of tiny, starry, white or pink flowers.
Bold, pinnate coppery leaves and elegant spikes of soft pink to creamy flowers.
Bristly, pinnate leaves and a froth of pink flowers.
Woodland plant with bristly pinnate leaves and a froth of pink flowers.
Narrow leaves and purple hooded, orchid-like flowers.
Excellent form of 'black-eyed Susan'; large yellow daisies with black centres.
Erect purple stems with spikes of violet flowers.
Narrow, lime-encrusted leaves and long, arching stems with many white flowers.
Large silver rosettes with narrow leaves, and arching sprays of white flowers.
Absolutely outstanding silver saxifrage, with many huge sprays of white flowers.
Blue-grey rounded leaves with butterfly-attracting heads of pink flowers.
Fleshy, purplish grey leaves and rosy red flowers.
Dark maroon fleshy leaves with flat heads of dark pink flowers.
Deepest red - almost black leaves and red flowers; great for butterflies.
Fleshy, almost white leaves and golden yellow flowers on red stems.
Purple, fringed bells open over mat of round, shiny leaves.
Cream flowers in spring followed by large white berries in autumn.
Rowan with red berries, changing to pink with brilliant red leaves in autumn.
Masses of violet flowers with numerous yellow stamens; lovely.
Lemon-scented, silver and cream variegated foliage.
Spikes of pink flowers over streaked foliage.
Dark red flowers and uniformly green leaves.
Large, white, three-petalled flowers above the three green leaflets.
A fine selected form with large golden bowl-shaped flowers.
Golden yellow flowers flushed red on the outside.
Blue flower spikes; green foliage.
Erect perennial with slender spires of massed pale lavender flowers.
Deep pink flowers set against bronze toned leaves make for a useful shrub.