Nepeta x faassenii
Catmint is well known and loved, and this genus contains tall and short plants, but all with the familiar aromatic foliage, grey-green and softly hairy, and spikes of small, funnel-shaped flowers, in the blue to purple range. All kinds like open, sunny places, with well-drained, even poor, soil. Nepeta x faassenii is an aromatic plant with spikes of mauve- blue flowers rising above grey-green foliage over a long period. Has a relaxed, spreading habit.
Pot Size |
2 litre pot |
Width |
45cm |
Height |
45cm |
Family |
Lamiaceae |
Flowering |
Late spring through summer |
Garden habitat |
open, sunny position |
Soil |
any good, garden soil |
Plant category |
Herbaceous |
Height range |
Code |
NFK-2 |