Plant catalogue
Welcome to our catalogue of plants for 2016-2017 and to our on-line store. The store was is designed to be used with tablets and smart phones as well as from a computer. To place an order you need to register, which is necessary to protect us from bogus customers.
We issue a completely new catalogue, on-line and printed, in the spring, to be as up-to-date as possible for the show season. In 2016 that was done in mid April. Then we update the in-line catalogue from time to time through the year.
In early autumn we have a major update, when many plants that we have grown during spring and summer are first ready to be sold.
As usual we have masses of plants from all over the world. There are lots of completely new ones (with a red 'NEW' symbol), but there are also the old favourites, and others that have returned after an absence (with a yellow 'NEW' symbol). We grow very many of these plants in our own garden, and hope that you will want to try them in yours.
The collection of rare trees and shrubs for small and large gardens, mainly from mountainous regions, including lots of rowans (Sorbus) and birches (Betula), has again been expanded. Click here to read about them and see some of them.
There is a minimum order of £30 worth of plants, but we give a free plant to all whose order is more than £50.
In all forms of our catalogues, plants associated with the great plant collector George Forrest are indicated F.

How to browse and buy our plants
To see how to place an order, click here.
1. The on-line store
You will find lots of information and pictures, and can search for what is of interest to you in many different ways. You can then order and pay for them directly - but if you prefer, you can browse the store and then order them by completing an order form and emailing or posting it.
Go straight to the on-line store
2. Our traditional style of web catalogue
This is still here, with a easy link to a web page for each plant in the catalogue. You can read the same information and see the same pictures as in the on-line shop, but you can't order directly on-line from that version of the catalogue. You can order the plants using an order form, emailed or posted to us.
Brief descriptions are given in the list of plants. Click on the name of the plant for a fuller description and, in many cases, photographs, as well as information about related plants.
A red symbol indicates plants that we are offering for the first time, introduced since the last catalogue was launched in May 2016.
A blue symbol is used to show anything added to the catalogue after the launch of the updated catalogue in September 2016.
A yellow symbol indicates reintroductions - other plants that were not in the catalogue issued a year ago, but were offered at some time in the past.
Go straight to the main plant list.
3. Printed catalogues
The last printed version of the catalogue was produced in April 2016. Our printed catalogues do not include some plants that are available only in small numbers, although these are listed in the on-line versions of the catalogue.
You can ask for our printed version
To receive a copy of the current printed version of the catalogue, send three first-class
stamps and the name and address to which it should be sent.
Click here for our address.
Do the same for any friends or relatives who would be interested.
Catalogue updates
If you would like to register with us, we will send you an e-mail message when the on-line catalogue is updated or when the
next new catalogue becomes available. To register, send an email message with the subject 'Catalogue updates please' to
info@kevockgarden.co.uk. Only contact information will be stored in our computer,
and that information will not be passed to any third party.
Other people interested?
If you would like us to send information about this web site to other people,
please let us know their e-mail addresses. Send an email message with the subject 'Please contact...' to
Feedback There are always new challenges facing us as we continue to develop the business. Please give us feedback on our plants and the service we give. It is good to be both encouraged and challenged.