We have always had a few trees and shrubs in our catalogue, but we are now able to offer a wide range, many of them extremely rare.
They are mainly from high mountains, in the Himalaya and Western China, with collections from plant explorers going back to George Forrest. Many of them came to us by the generosity of Ness Gardens, where there are extensive collections, particularly of rowans (mountain ash, Sorbus), birches (Betula) and alders (Alnus). Many of them have only recently been given names, and some even remain to be named.
The results of years of research by Huch McAllister were published in two splendid books. The definitive account of The Genus Sorbus (rowans) was published by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, as was the account of The Genus Betula, whiich included alders as well as birches.
First-rate small trees (and some shrubs) for small gardens, or planted in quantity in larger gardens. We have lots of them in the garden, and we have planted many along the entrance track to the nursery and elsewhere on the site. They are good all year, but in autumn they are brilliant. The leaves of most of them turn to gold, orange and flaming red, while as the fruit mature most of them change from red to white or bright pink shades.
Birches, and the related alders (Alnus), are lovely garden trees. They have distinctive catkins in spring, wonderful foliage, particularly when it first emerges, in many cases excellent autumn foliage colour, and all year they have interesting bark, very beautiful in some species.
There is a host of other lovely trees and shrubs. The picture shows Cotoneaster ogisui, with large, shiny leaves and branches that are weighed down in autumn by the deep red fruit, and Salix 'Coire Kander', one of several dwarf willows.
And there are rhododendrons, daphnes, spiraeas, some species hydrangeas and many more. Enjoy browsing!