By e-mail
- To download order and payment forms right click here
and "save target as" or "save link as" to your desktop.
- The forms are Word files, which you can save and then complete by editing.
- Then send them to us (
as attachments to an e-mail message.
- If you prefer, you can send the two halves of your credit card number in two separate e-mail messages. Or
you may post the form, using the address on the contact us page.
Filling in the form
- List the plants you require by writing the 3-digit code and number, e.g. ABC-9,
and then the name. Letters and numbers after a plant name identify a wild collection.
- If there are several varieties of one species, and you do not mind which of these
varieties you get, just list the name of the species.
- Provide a list of substitutes if you wish.
- Give any specific instructions for delivery. Note any periods when you do not want
to receive them and say how they can be delivered if you are not at home.
- Indicate how you will be paying. Please note that there is a minimum order value
of £30 for plants, excluding delivery.
If you want to make a secure on-line payment, you should use our on-line store, described above.
Otherwise post, phone or fax a credit/debit card authorisation. Please do not email card information. You may post a cheque if you prefer.
Please write 'Not to exceed' on your blank cheque.
.... or if you really hate modern technology!
You can receive a copy of the catalogue, including a real order form on a piece of paper (or, more likely,
you can request one for a friend). Send three first-class stamps and the name
and address to which the catalogue should be sent. See contact us for our address.