We didn't think that it would be possible to match our 'best in show' award of 2006, but we have done it again!
The 2007 display is bigger, and designed to be viewed both from the front and the side. There is a high, rocky ridge, punctuated with tall, spiky rocks, dominated by Celmisia spectabilis 'Eggleston Silver'.
To the left side of this outcrop is a steep cliff, with ledges populated with a range of alpines, all in white, pink and pale blue shades.
The right side of the ridge has lots of saxifrages, hanging over a narrow valley.
On the other side of this is a broad hill, covered in candelabra primulas, Meconopsis and foliage plants.
This leads forward to another narrow valley, in front of which is an array of primulas, Trollius and other plants with yellow-orange colours.
This colour scheme is repeated with really low primulas in the other front corner.
Between these two bright corners, along the front, are some of the rarities, more small primulas, arisaemas, Paris, Cypripedium etc.
While along the river beds in the two valleys (no water, just water-worn pebbles) are a red Mimulus and the wonderful bright yellow Pedicularis longiflorus tubiformis.
Finally, here is the Beechgrove Garden team in action, with Carole Baxter talking to Stella.
Our display in 2006.
Our display in 2005.
Our display in 2004.